The Mechanical Team is responsible for all non-electrical design, simulation, and manufacturing. Each member of the team is trained in the principles of mechanical design, 3-D design, and structural simulation. This team prioritizes the safety and performance of our vehicles.
The subteam is in charge of advanced CAD modeling of the car’s aeroshell while also performing computational fluid dynamics.
Lead: Kushi Sethuram
4th Year Aerospace Engineering
Mark Piatko
3rd Year Aerospace Engineering
Omid Sayyadli
4th Year Aerospace Engineering
Brakes and Steering
The subteam is in charge of creating CAD models of steering geometry and brake system while also performing analysis to optimize both systems.
Lead: Ishan Bhikha
3rd Year Mechanical Engineering
Zach Wheeden
4th Year Mechanical Engineering
Clarisse Forro
4th Year Mechanical Engineering
The subteam designs the main structural frame of the car and uses Finite Element Analysis to optimize size.
Lead: Kevin Fleischer
3rd Year Mechanical Engineering
Dan O'Connor
3rd Year Mechanical Engineering
Edison Wong
3rd Year Mechanical Engineering
Will Couch
3rd Year Aerospace Engineering
The subteam is in charge of creating CAD models of suspension geometry and using Matlab and Python to optimize design.
Lead: Josh Elquiero
2nd Year Aerospace Engineering
Quinn Early
4th Year Mechanical Engineering